الصفحة الرئيسية

Dr. Mohammed bin Saud Bin Saleh Al-Mefleh Aljathlani

Welcome to the Office of Attorney Dr. Mohammed bin Saud Aljathlani

Aljathlani Law Firm was founded in 2008, having an ambitious vision for the future, becoming a leading law firm in law practice, providing legal and Sharia advisory services as per the requirements of the business and labor market, this to be realized by recruiting specialized and experienced expert legal consultants in order to satisfy our clients and to build credibility, trust and reputation.

The Law Office of Dr. Mohammed Aljathlani has a vision for the future, aiming to provide all legal services compatible with law practice, through recruiting experienced, specialized and qualified team work.


2020/07/05 مع توجه المملكة الواضح نحو تحقيق أحد أهم أهداف ومحاور رؤية 2030 وهو جعل اقتصاد المملكة يتصف بالتنافسية الجاذبة،...
2020/06/21 يعتبر تطوير القطاع المالي السعودي أحد أهم برامج رؤية المملكة 2030 المعتمدة من مجلس الشؤون الاقتصادية والتنمية،...

Important Legal Apps

Saudi e-Government (Yesser)
Ministry of Justice
Magazine of Al-Adl